For men, getting into a healthy shape usually means more than just losing weight. Most men want to build muscle mass. This requires a lot of extra work on top of the normal fat burning techniques. It’s more work, but it’s not exactly more complicated. It just requires adjusting the workout routine to include some strength building and mass gaining exercises.
The biceps are one of the key areas most men target when they decide to start gaining mass. The biceps are easy to work, tend to show results faster than the rest of the body, and having strong biceps makes life a little easier (and helps them look a little better as well). Below are some guidelines and bicep workouts for mass.
Get The Diet Right First
Before moving into building a grueling mass building workout regimen, they need to consider their diet and the impact it has on their body. Losing weight requires dieting and exercising and the same can be said for gaining mass, even more so.
Unlike losing weight, when you’re building a diet around gaining mass it’s more about the foods you do include than the foods you remove. For example, foods high in protein are always a good thing. Protein are the building blocks of muscle mass. Without an adequate mass-gaining diet, even the best workout routines will seem pointless.
Once the details of the diet have been ironed out (foods high in carbs, proteins, and fiber) it’s time to put those new nutrients to use by using them to fuel tough workout regimens and rebuild muscle tissue, which are the two primary functions of carbohydrates and proteins.
Visit The Gym Or Purchase Some Weights
When it boils down to it, gaining mass is nearly impossible without the assistance of weights and resistance. Any exercise that can be performed can be made more efficient by adding more weight. Weights make it possible to increase the intensity of a workout at any given time and thus increase its efficiency.
When performing any bicep workouts for mass it’s a good idea to use as much weight as possible. This doesn’t mean using so much weight they can only lift it by using the momentum of the weights, but rather using as much weight as they can comfortably lift without relying on momentum. The gym is obviously the best place to find all of the weights and equipment they could need to build serious bicep mass.
A Few Different Mass Gaining Exercises
One of the most basic, yet effective, bicep exercises is the barbell bicep curl. This overloads the biceps with as much weight as they can manage. The alternative to the barbell curl is individual dumbbell curls, but most trainers agree that the barbell is more effective and somewhat easier.
That’s not to say the dumbbell isn’t an extremely important piece of equipment when it comes to strengthening the bicep. The inclined dumbbell curl takes advantage of the dumbbell to apply the maximum possible tension to the biceps, while restricting muscular assistance from the back and core. Thus the biceps alone are targeted and get the full benefit of the workout.
Curls of all sorts tend to work great when it comes to building mass in the arms. Whether the concentration curl, the barbell curl, or even a standing cable curl. Each workout session should include a few different bicep exercises at around 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. When this gets too easy they increase the intensity and continue to see results.