Believe it or not, most men already have a six pack hiding beneath a layer of fat and skin . The hard work is not only building and defining these muscles, but also making them visible. That requires shedding the layer of fat to reveal the muscles beneath. This creates the six pack appearance that so many men are after.
Despite what some companies and media outlets may claim, building a visible six pack doesn’t take years and it doesn’t require any supplements, pills, or surgeries. It only takes three things: an abs workout for men, a cardio workout for off-days, and a balanced diet.
The abs workout is the obvious part. It’s there to build the muscles, thus making them larger, stronger, and more defined. Most men attempting to reveal their six-pack have a workout routine they practice three or four days a week.
The days in between those workout days are filled with cardio exercises. The cardio melts away the layer of fat that is hiding the abdominal muscles. Without the cardio, all of the hard work from the abs workout will go unnoticed. The final component, the diet, helps on both fronts: nutrients help build muscle and it helps keep new fat from forming.
The Ideal Abs Workout For Men
There are a lot of different workout options when it comes to building a strong core. In truth, it’s a good idea to try as many of these different exercise as possible. The body tends to make the most change when it’s subject to exercise it’s not expecting. Doing crunches every day is fine, but it will take much, much longer to see results.
If they are working on the core three days of the week, then they should try three different workout routines: one for each day. As each week passes, they simply increase the intensity of the three different routines to continue to get the best possible results.
What Ab Exercises To Include
Of all the possible ab workouts, the crunch may actually be the least effective. This is because the crunch is an extremely targeted exercise. It only works certain abdominal muscles and nothing else. However, the best possible exercises work more than one muscle group, even if they are trying to target a specific group.
The plank is the ideal abdominal exercise. There are many different variations on the standard plank, which means they can try something new every time they get tired of the same old routine. This is a great way to keep the routine fresh and exciting.
Cable rotations are another great abdominal exercise, but they do requires some extra equipment. Cable rotations target the obliques more than anything while the plank actually targets the entirety of the core.
There are also some variations on the standard crunch, such as the bicycle crunch, which have been proven to be more effective. It targets the obliques as well as the lower abs, which is more than can be said of the traditional crunch.
Keep the body surprised by mixing it up all of the time. The crunch might not be the most effective, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be included sometimes. The plank may be the most effective, but that doesn’t mean a workout should be only planks. The body needs variety in any workout routine to see results over an extended period of time.